July Weather in England and Wales:
Average Temperature, Rainfall and Sunshine

The normal July weather conditions for England and Wales are summarized below. The tables list average daily high and low temperatures, total rainfall and hours of sunshine for July.

The weather averages are given for the entire countries, and also broken down into six regions.

Southeast England ranges from London southwards and covers England's south coast from Bournemouth to Margate. Southwest England and Wales includes Cornwall, Devon and southern Wales.

Eastern England is the land lying northeast of London. It includes Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk, and the cities of Cambridge and Norwich. Midlands corresponds to West and East Midlands, except Lincolnshire.

Northeast England includes Yorkshire and the Humber and the Lincolnshire portion of East Midlands. Northwest England and Wales covers from northern Wales up England's west coast to the Scottish border, taking in the cities of Liverpool, Manchester and Carlisle.

These measures of climate are averages of data collected at weather stations from 1981 to 2010.


Average July temperatures
High °F Low °F Region High °C Low °C
70 53 England 21 12
67 52 Wales 19 11
72 54 Southeast England 22 12
68 53 Southwest England & Wales 20 12
72 54 Eastern England 22 12
70 53 Midlands 21 12
68 52 Northeast England 20 11
66 52 Northwest England & Wales 19 11


Average monthly precipitation in July
Days Region Inches Milli­metres
10 England 2.5 63
12 Wales 3.6 93
8 Southeast England 2.0 52
11 Southwest England & Wales 3.2 81
9 Eastern England 2.0 52
9 Midlands 2.4 61
10 Northeast England 2.5 62
12 Northwest England & Wales 3.5 90


Total July sun
Region Hours
England 194
Wales 179
Southeast England 215
Southwest England & Wales 194
Eastern England 204
Midlands 190
Northeast England 181
Northwest England & Wales 170
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