Average Humidity for Switzerland in August

The average humidity levels in August are listed below for cities, resorts and mountains throughout Switzerland.

You can jump to a separate table for each part of the country: Eastern, Western, Central and Northern Switzerland.

Relative humidity measures the actual amount of moisture in the air as a percentage of the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold. All the numbers here are based on weather data collected from 1961 to 1990.

Western Switzerland

This section covers the mainly French speaking portion of Switzerland. It includes the area around Lake Geneva and the cantons of Fribourg, Geneva, Jura, Neuchâtel, Valais and Vaud.

Average August humidity
Place %
Fribourg 72
Geneva (Genève) 67
Great St. Bernard Pass 75
La Chaux-de-Fonds 77
Montreux 74
Neuchâtel (Neuenburg) 69
Sion (Sitten) 70

Central & Northern Switzerland

While most places on this list are below 1000 metres (3280 feet) elevation, there are two mountain peaks. Säntis, near Schwägalp, at 2502 metres (8209 feet) elevation is the highest point in the Appenzell Alps. Even higher is the weather station at 3580 metres (11,745 feet), above Jungfraujoch pass of the Bernese Alps.

August relative humidity averages
Place %
Adelboden 78
Basel 74
Bern (Bären) 76
Jungfraujoch 72
Lucerne (Luzern) 76
Säntis 80
Schaffhausen 74
St. Gallen 78
Zürich 75

Eastern Switzerland

This list includes two low-elevation cities, Locarno and Lugano, in the canton of Ticino of south-east Switzerland.

Several places here in the canton of Graubünden are mountain resort towns, including Davos and Samedan, which sit above 1500 metres (4921 feet) elevation. On Weissfluhjoch, a peak in the Plessur Range above Davos, weather is reported from just below the summit, at 2690 metres (8825 feet) elevation.

Average daily humidity in August
Place %
Chur 71
Davos 75
Glarus 80
Locarno 68
Lugano 70
Samedan 73
Weissfluhjoch 76

Office fédéral de météorologie et de climatologie MétéoSuisse. Standards 1961-1990.

Switzerland Humidity
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