October Weather on the Azores & Madeira Islands:
Average Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine and Humidity

The tables below list the normal October temperatures and rainfall on Portugal's Azores & Madeira Islands.

There's also information here on this month's average sunshine and humidity at cities on the Azores Islands.

All the numbers are averages from decades of weather data.


Average October temperatures
High °F Low °F Island Place High °C Low °C
70 62 Faia Horta 21 17
71 61 Flores Santa Cruz 22 16
71 62 Santa Maria Vila Do Porto 22 17
71 61 São Miguel Ponta Delgada 22 16
70 61 Terceira Angra do Heroísmo 21 16
76 64 Madeira Funchal 24 18
74 65 Porto Santo Porto Santo 23 18


Average monthly precipitation in October
Days Island Place Inches Milli­metres
12 Faia Horta 3.9 100
14 Flores Santa Cruz 5.8 147
10 Santa Maria Vila Do Porto 3.3 84
11 São Miguel Ponta Delgada 4.2 108
13 Terceira Angra do Heroísmo 4.7 120
6 Madeira Funchal 3.1 78
Porto Santo Porto Santo 1.6 40


Total October sunshine
Azores Island Place Hours
Faia Horta 144
São Miguel Ponta Delgada 142
Santa Maria Vila Do Porto 149


Average relative humidity (%) in October
Azores Island Place Humidity
Faia Horta 79
São Miguel Ponta Delgada 80
Santa Maria Vila Do Porto 77

Instituto de Meteorologia, IP Portugal. Normais Climatológicas 71-00.

World Data Center for Meteorology. Climate of the World.

Azores & Madeira Islands
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