Average Sunshine in Greece for August

The tables below give August averages for the amount of clear sky at cities and islands in Greece. A few places, also have numbers for the total hours of sunshine.

You can jump to a separate table for each section of the country: Aegean Islands, Crete, Peloponnese, as well as Western, Central and Northern Greece.

The monthly averages are for weather data collected during 1961 to 1990.

Aegean Islands

Proportion of sky that's without clouds in August
Place % Clear Sky
Limnos 89
Milos 95
Mytilini 94
Naxos 94
Rhodes (Rodos) 96
Samos 96


Average amount of sun in August
Hours Place % Clear Sky
360 Chania 91
346 Heraklion 91


Average August sunshine
Hours Place % Clear Sky
337 Kalamata 86
Kythira 91
Methoni 88
Tripoli 79

Western Greece

These weather data are for places in the Ionian Islands and Western Hellas peripheries.

Sunny weather in August
Hours Place % Clear Sky
333 Kerkyra 84
Patras 86
Zakinthos 89

Central Greece

The cities listed here are in the Attica, Epirus, Sterea Hellas and Thessaly peripheries.

Average total sunshine in August
Hours Place % Clear Sky
340 Athens 88
Ioannina 76
320 Larissa 75
Skyros 89

Northern Greece

This section covers the peripheries of West, East Macedonia and Thrace.

Average August sunshine
Hours Place % Clear Sky
Alexandroupoli 79
296 Thessaloniki 74

World Data Center for Meteorology. Climate of the World.

Greece Sunshine
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