Average Sunshine in Alberta for September

The tables below give September averages for the number of sunny days and hours of sunshine at cities and towns in Alberta.

The places are grouped into a separate table for each region of the province: Southern, Central and Northern Alberta.

Each place has three measures of sunshine. The number for % Sun is the usual percentage of daylight hours with bright sunshine. Hours gives the total hours of bright sunshine that's normal this month. Days statistics are for the typical number of days in September with any amount of measurable sunshine. All the data are averages for the years 1981 to 2010.

Southern Alberta

Total September sunshine
% Sun Place Hours Days
64 Brooks 244 29
60 Lethbridge 229 28
58 Medicine Hat 221 28

Central Alberta

Average amount of sun in September
% Sun Place Hours Days
54 Calgary 207 27
50 Edmonton 193 27
45 Edson 174 27
46 Jasper 177 28
49 Red Deer 188 28

Northern Alberta

Average September sun
% Sun Place Hours Days
46 Cold Lake 177 27
43 Fort McMurray 165 27
45 Grande Prairie 172 27
43 High Level 168 26
45 Slave Lake 172 27

Environment Canada. Meteorological Service of Canada. Canadian Climate Normals. 1981-2010 Climate Normals & Averages.

Alberta Sunshine
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