Dallas Weather Averages

Dallas, Texas has mild winters and hot summers, with warm months in between. Rainfall peaks in May and again in October. Yet year round, the sun shines most of the time.

This page gives detailed information on the annual temperature, precipitation, sun, humidity, wind and storm averages for Dallas. The temperature, precipitation and wind speed numbers here are historical averages based on climate data gathered at the Dallas Love Field Airport, located a few miles from downtown Dallas. The rest of the measurements are averages from the nearby Dallas - Fort Worth International Airport.

Temperature Weather iconTemperature

78 °F annual average high 26 °C
58 °F annual average low 15 °C

The year's coldest days for Dallas usually occur in early January when the daily maximum temperature averages 57 degrees Fahrenheit (14 degrees Celsius) and the minimum averages 37 °F (3 °C).

The year's hottest days are normally in early August. The average temperature peaks then with daily highs of 99 °F (37 °C) and nighttime lows of 79 °F (26 °C).

184 days 80 °F max. or more (27 °C)
65 days 40 °F min. or less (4 °C)

Dallas averages 22 days annually when the thermometer reaches into the 100s °F (over 38 °C). The temperature remains entirely below freezing on average for 1 day a year.

The thermometer dips to freezing on an average of 23 nights a year. Typically on two of those nights, it drops down to 20 °F (-7 °C) or below.

Rainy Weather iconPrecipitation

38.3 in total precipitation 973 mm
82 days of rain or snowfall

May and October are usually the wettest months of the year in Dallas, while July and August are the driest.

Snowy Weather iconSnow

1.7 in total snowfall 4.3 cm
2 days with new snow

It doesn't snow every year in Dallas. But snow can land anytime from November to March.

Sunny Weather iconSun

61 % sunshine
135 days clear skies

The sun's rays reach the ground in Dallas during 61 percent of daylight hours on average year round, for a total of 2711 hours annually. Typically on 135 days a year the sky is mainly clear, with at most 30 percent cloud cover.

Sunlight in Dallas averages 12 hours and 10 minutes a day. The shortest days of the year in mid December have 9 hours and 59 minutes of daylight. The year's longest days in mid June last 14:19 from sunrise to sunset.

Humid Weather iconHumidity

65 % average humidity

The annual average for relative humidity in Dallas ranges throughout the day from 82 percent at 6:00 am to 49 percent at 3:00 pm standard time.

Local Time12 am3 am6 am9 am12 pm3 pm6 pm9 pm
Humidity % 72 78 82 71 56 49 53 65

Windy Weather iconWind

9.5 mph wind speed average 15.3 kph

April is usually the windiest month for Dallas, and September has the lightest winds.

Stormy Weather iconStorms

12 days precipitation of 1 inch (25 mm) or more
46 days with thunderstorms a year

Thunderstorms occur most often over Dallas during May, although they can appear in any month.

While uncommon, category 1 and 2 hurricanes have approached within 100 miles (165 km) of Dallas during June to September. Major hurricanes of category 3 to 5 normally don't reach the city.


The weather data here are long-term averages provided by the US National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Temperature and precipitation are 1991-2020 normals while humidity and thunderstorms are 1961-1990 normals.

Dallas Weather
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