Austin Weather in June

Hot summer weather settles in during June at Austin, Texas. The city can expect some days with 100-degree Fahrenheit (over 38 degrees Celsius) temperatures this month.

This page gives detailed information on the typical June temperature, precipitation, sun, humidity, wind and storms for Austin. The numbers here are historical averages based on climate data gathered at Camp Mabry, located at few miles from downtown Austin.

Temperature Weather iconTemperature

93 °F June average high 34 °C
73°F June average low 23 °C
21 days 90 °F max. or more (32 °C)
8 days 70 °F min. or less (21 °C)

During June the temperature usually rises every day to over 80 °F (27 °C) at Austin. The city averages three days this month when the thermometer reaches into the 100s °F (over 38 °C).

The temperature normally doesn't cool down below 60 °F (16 °C) at night during June.

Rainy Weather iconRain

3.7 in total precipitation 93 mm
7 days of rain

Half the time, Austin receives 1.7 to 4.9 inches (42 to 123 mm) of rainfall in June. One in four years has drier weather, while another one in four is wetter.

Sunny Weather iconSun

69 % sunshine
8 days clear skies

The sun's rays reach the ground in Austin during 69 percent of daylight hours on average in June, for a total of 291 hours in the month. Typically on 8 days this month the sky is mainly clear, with at most 30 percent cloud cover.

Sunlight in June at Austin averages 14 hours and 4 minutes a day. The longest days of the year, from around June 16th to 25th, last 14 hours and 6 minutes from sunrise to sunset.

Humid Weather iconHumidity

70 % June average humidity

The relative humidity in Austin during June usually peaks at 89 percent in the morning then drops to 50 percent by mid afternoon.

Local Time12 am3 am6 am9 am12 pm3 pm6 pm9 pm
Humidity % 80 86 89 73 56 50 53 69

Windy Weather iconWind

8.6 mph June wind speed average 13.8 kph

June is a little windier than most other months in Austin.

Stormy Weather iconStorms

2 days rainfall of 0.5 inches (13 mm) or more
5 days with thunderstorms in June
4 % chance a named storm approaches

There's a 4 percent probability that a named tropical storm will approach within 100 miles (165 km) of Austin during June, and a 2 percent chance of a category 1 or 2 hurricane. Major hurricanes are unlikely this time of year.


The weather data here are long-term averages provided by the US National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Temperature and precipitation are 1991-2020 normals while humidity and thunderstorms are 1961-1990 normals. The named storm probabilities come from the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Hurricane Research Division.

Austin Weather
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