Average Precipitation for South Carolina in April

The tables below give monthly averages for rainfall plus snowfall during April at cities, towns and parks in South Carolina.

Each place has a total for the amount of precipitation it usually receives this month. There is also a count of the number of days with wet weather, when precipitation amounts to 0.01 inches (0.25 millimetres) or more.

The precipitation totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1991 to 2020 for the US National Centers for Environmental Information.

You can jump to a separate table for each region of the state: Coast & Lowcountry, Midlands and Upstate.

Coast & Lowcountry

Average monthly precipitation in April
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
9 Beaufort 3.1 78
7 Brookgreen Gardens 3.5 89
8 Charleston 3.3 84
7 Edisto Island 3.6 90
9 McClellanville 3.3 84
8 Moncks Corner 3.0 77
8 North Myrtle Beach 2.8 70


April averages for total rainfall plus snowfall
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
8 Columbia 2.8 72
8 Florence 3.0 76
8 Orangeburg 3.3 84
8 Sumter 3.4 86

Upstate South Carolina

Average amount of rain and snow in April
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
8 Anderson 4.1 104
11 Caesars Head State Park 5.9 151
8 Calhoun Falls 3.1 80
10 Gaffney 4.3 108
10 Greenville 3.6 92
9 Greenwood 2.8 71
10 Greer 4.0 103
10 Longcreek 5.2 133
9 Ninety Nine Islands Reservoir 3.7 93
8 Spartanburg 4.3 109

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Climate Normals.

South Carolina Precipitation
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