Singapore's Weather in September
September's weather is fairly average for Singapore. This is not an extreme month for the amount of sun, storms, rain, wind and heat.
This page gives detailed information on the typical September weather for Singapore. There are data and descriptions for temperature, rain, sun, humidity, wind and storms.
The numbers here are long-term historical averages based on climate data gathered from 1991 to 2020.
89 °F | September average high | 32 °C |
77 °F | September average low | 25 °C |
Daytime temperatures at Singapore usually go no higher than 94 degrees Fahrenheit (34 degrees Celsius).
Nighttime temperatures only rarely get as low as 69 °F (21 °C).
4.9 in | total precipitation | 125 mm |
13 days | of rain |
Singapore's total amount of rain for September has varied over the years from 17 inches (440 mm) to less than an inch (24 mm).
Usually the day's heaviest rainfall this time of year occurs around 2 pm.
44 % | sunshine |
161 hours | of sun |
Sunlight in September at Singapore lasts for 12 hours and 7 minutes a day on average. That amounts to 364 hours of daylight for the month.
81 % | September average humidity |
The relative humidity in Singapore during September ranges throughout the day from an average maximum of 94 percent to an average minimum of 62 percent.
4.7 mph | September wind speed average | 7.6 kph |
September is an average month for wind speed at Singapore.
14 days | with thunder in September |
12 days | with lightning |
Meteorological Service Singapore. Climate of Singapore.
WMO Climate Normals. Station Data Files. Pacific (RA-V). Singapore. Index of /archive/arc0216/0253808/1.1/data/0-data/Region-5-WMO-Normals-9120/Singapore.