Average Annual Snowfall in Missouri

The tables below give yearly averages for snowfall at cities, communities and other locations around Missouri. The numbers are for the total amount of snow and for how many days it snows at least 0.1 inches (0.25 centimetres).

The snowfall totals are annual averages based on weather data collected from 1991 to 2020 for the US National Centers for Environmental Information.

You can jump to a separate table for each region of the state: South, Central and North Missouri.

Place name links take you to more detailed information on snowfall, snowstorms and snow accumulation for that location.

South Missouri

Average annual snowfall
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
3.4 Ozark Beach 6.8 17.3
2.0 Poplar Bluff 5.4 13.7
10.2 Springfield 13.7 34.8
3.7 Stockton Lake Dam 6.9 17.5

Central Missouri

Yearly snow averages
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
6.9 Clinton 11.1 28.2
10.7 Columbia 16.5 41.9
5.3 Farmington 8.7 22.1
5.1 Jefferson City 8.9 22.6
13.8 Kansas City 18.2 46.2
1.9 Lake Ozark, Lakeside 4.3 10.9
5.2 Nevada 6.4 16.3
17.8 Rolla 17.3 43.9
5.6 St Charles 9.0 22.9
14.5 St Louis 16.6 42.2

North Missouri

Average snowfall totals for a year
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
10.2 Kirksville 19.0 48.3
9.4 Maryville 15.3 38.9
7.3 Moberly 15.1 38.4
10.7 Trenton 17.2 43.7

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Climate Normals.

Missouri Snowfall
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