Average Sunshine in Japan for November

The tables below give November averages for the total number of sunny days and hours of sunshine at cities and towns throughout Japan. The count of days is for those with sunshine during at least 40 percent of the time between sunrise and sunset.

You can jump to a separate table for each section of the country: Hokkaidō, Tōhoku, Kantō, Chūbu, Kansai, Chūgoku Shikoku, Kyūshū and Okinawa.

The month's totals are long-term historical averages of weather data collected from 1981 to 2010.


Total November sunshine
Place Days Hours
Abashiri 16 121
Asahikawa 7 64
Hakodate 13 110
Obihiro 21 167
Sapporo 12 100
Tomakomai 17 129
Wakkanai 6 58


Average amount of sun in November
Place Days Hours
Aomori 10 88
Fukushima 16 128
Iwaki 20 161
Morioka 14 117
Sendai 18 140


Average November sun
Place Days Hours
Chiba 17 142
Hachijo-jima Island 13 108
Maebashi 21 179
Nikko 19 153
Tokyo 17 147
Utsunomiya 20 165
Yokohama 18 149


Number of sunny hours and days in November on average
Place Days Hours
Aikawa, Sado Island 11 94
Gifu 19 157
Hamamatsu 20 170
Kanazawa 12 104
Nagano 17 139
Nagoya 20 163
Niigata 10 90
Shizuoka 20 170


Average total sunshine in November
Place Days Hours
Himeji 19 155
Kobe 19 151
Kyoto 17 138
Nara 17 135
Osaka 18 149
Tsu 19 160
Wakayama 18 145


Amount of sun in November
Place Days Hours
Fukuyama 19 152
Hiroshima 18 152
Kure 19 150
Matsue 13 113
Okayama 19 152
Tottori 12 109
Yamaguchi 17 143


November sunshine averages
Place Days Hours
Kochi 20 170
Matsuyama 17 144
Takamatsu 18 145
Tokushima 19 151


Total November sunshine
Place Days Hours
Fukuoka 16 136
Kagoshima 18 155
Kumamoto 18 153
Miyazaki 19 168
Nagasaki 17 138
Oita 18 149
Wadomari, Okinoerabu Island 14 119
Yakushima Island Airport 11 96


Average November sunshine
Place Days Hours
Iriomote Island 11 93
Ishigaki Island 13 116
Kume 13 112
Miyakojima 13 112
Nago 14 122
Naha 15 123
Yonaguni Island 9 86

Japan Meteorological Agency. Historical weather data retrieval.

Japan Sunshine
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